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Sanitary charter COVID-19

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Les Balcons Group is committed to your safety

Our priority is to ensure our clients and coworkers’ health and safety. That’s why we have set up strengthened hygiene and sanitary measures in our residences and based on governmental recommandations.

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What we do in our residences :

  • We set up a strengthened sanitary charter in our accommodations and shops.
  • We display information about preventive measures, barrier gestures, social distancing and rules in all of our common areas and shops.
  • We provide alcohol based hand sanitisers in common areas (entrances of chalets, ski rooms, parkings, shops…)
  • We have adapted reception capacities in every reception area, swimming-pool, shops…
  • We have set up materials and necessary client circuits to comply with barrier gestures and recommendations for social distancing (eg ground markings, plexiglas protection installation in reception areas, etc.)
  • Reinforce sanitary measures in accommodation and communal areas for all contact points (such as door handles, elevator panels, payment terminals, desks etc.) by using the relevant cleaning products. We have set up automatic lights detectors in common areas in order to avoid use of light switches.
  • Our teams are trained to respect Covid measures.

What we do in the apartments / rooms

  • We respect sanitary measures and follow french government recommendations to ensure the thorough cleaning of bed and bathroom linen.
  • We ventilate every apartment between two stays.
  • We specifically clean all contact points (such as door handles, chairs, light switches, etc.) by using the relevant cleaning products.

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We have ensured a risk management protocol in the event of suspected contagion of the Covid-19 virus.

  • A thermometer is at your disposal at the reception desk to control your temperature if needed.
  • In case of symptoms or positive Covid-19 test during your stay, we can provide you a spare apartment in order for you to be isolated.
  • We have at your disposal specific cleaning material, such as a nebulizer to clean every apartment in case of suspicion of virus.
